About Us

Welcome to Two Four Joy, the home of joyous gift giving!

I’m Michelle, a creative designer, typography lover, arts and crafts geek, and general magpie when it comes to gathering and hoarding pretty things.

I founded Two Four Joy back in 2014, when I created special print for a good friend of mine’s birthday gift. I have always loved bringing together presents and creating special item bundles for a special occasion... the thought process that goes into making something special and unique for someone you love, and the joy that this gift giving can bring, is a great feeling. 

I decided to take a little corner of the internet and create a place where I can share my creations and hopefully spread some joy, and so Two Four Joy was born!


What we do

From that first print grew a range of handmade products, all crafted with love and care, and always with that special recipient in mind - whether it be a friend, mother, daughter, father, son, grandparent, colleague, school-mate or even yourself (because looking after number one is essential too)!

We want to make gift giving as simple as possible so have created a selection of ready-made, themed gift sets, all beautifully packaged ready to be sent - directly to your recipient if you choose.


Take a look around and we hope you find some joyful gifts for you and the ones you love.